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Like a good executive producer should, I talk about Christ Complex to anyone and everyone who will listen. Usually the conversation goes something like this:

Them: "You're involved in an independent film? That's awesome! Where are they filming? Can I come to the set/have a part in the film/be involved somehow?"

Me: "Well, it's filming in West Virginia."

Them: "...where?? How did you get involved with THAT?"

I'm sure many of you have asked that question yourselves. Executive Producer Jenny Sherman is from WHERE?? Well yes, I live in Dallas. I'm a film critic for the national website Inside Pulse and I represent them at local and statewide film festivals. I've been writing for them for about four years now, and one of the people who encouraged me into film criticism was our ultra eccentric director Jeffrey Scott Richards.

About five years ago, I met Jeff on myspace. I had just started meeting a really fun group of movie fanatics and Jeff was one of them. There were several of us who blogged and reviewed movies, and we were all very supportive of each other. I had always loved movies and really wanted to be a part of this group, so I began writing a few (really poorly written) reviews on my myspace blog.

After talking about and reviewing movies with this online film community every day for about a year, Jeff asked me to write a review for one of his earlier screenplays called Christmasland. Ever since then, Jeff and I have used each other as creative sounding boards, bouncing ideas off of each other. When he would write a new screenplay, he'd send it to me to get an opinion. I always heard about the new SDCT podcasts from him and when I couldn't listen live, I would always download them and listen in my car. When I got my very first invitation from a movie studio to attend a press only screening, Jeff was the first person I told. And he was the only person who read my review before I posted it and sent it off to the studio. I've been a fan of his writing for years and have been trying to talk him into actually directing one of his screenplays.

Late last summer, I received an e-mail with the first pages of a new Jeffrey Scott Richards screenplay called Christ Complex. I read it and then sent my usual response, "Where's the rest of it?" Little did I know that Jeff and Travis had been talking about actually making this one into a feature length film. When the project was announced officially via facebook, my name was attached as Executive Producer.

That little online film community from myspace has gone on to do so many big things, it's been such a pleasure to know these people. For example, Jerry Dennis has one of the biggest podcasts on called Movie Geeks United and has interviewed some of the biggest names in the movie industry. Mike Watne and Royce Clemens have made their own feature length film called Wright Street. Kelsey Zukowski is starring, writing, and directing in independent films all over Chicago. Mitch Emerson has been an extra in several movies and TV shows filmed around the Detroit area. And now, Jeff Richards, Travis Stephens, and Jenny Sherman are involved in their own film.

I'm a little humbled by all of this, honestly. It all seems like such chance to me that I would happen upon this incredibly supportive group of people online, and then land this surreal writing gig on Inside Pulse that allows me to go to film festivals like SXSW and Fantastic Fest. But what's really amazing is being able to help a good friend see his creative dream come true by directing his first feature film. I'm the lone girl from the Lone Star State and I couldn't be happier to be here!

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