Christ Complex - Behind the Scenes |
Somewhere between my seventy-sixth and seventy-seventh pull-up I realized my folly. This is what I get for wearing a magenta tanktop. Only a real man can be expected to pull that one off.
Was I that man? The short answer is no. The longer answer is yes.
That's just science.
Put me on stage in my underwear in front of a full house in a scene where I run from a Spanish warlord who thinks I'm a woman and, as the Spanish (and certain French skunks) are wont to do, feels inclined to rape me, and I'm fine. But, wake me up at 7:30A and expect me to regurgitate some lines into a lens while doing a gross of pull-ups and we may have a problem. Both scenarios are taxing. And both require a fully clothed shower afterward (the water just can't get hot enough to cleanse your soul.) Wait. What?
In truth, I'm exaggerating. The "Spaniard" was acting. But you still can't fake 144 pull-ups.
Mwahahaha two guys working out!!